Jobs Not in Carroll’s Stocking
Carroll County was recently notified by a prospect that jobs anticipated for Carroll County will stay in their current location.
Carroll County officials had been working with a particular prospect for more than twenty-four (24) months and were ready to “sign the deal” when they were notified that the project was cancelled. Carroll County was in competition with GA and PA for the anticipated 150 jobs. The company was quick to make note that Carroll County is an excellent location and the company had made the decision to locate in Carroll until a business decision made the difference. Carroll County had a great incentive package as well as an identified workforce. The company went on to say that they had a great working relationship with the Carroll staff and the regional economic development effort and that they had looked forward to expanding in Carroll County.
The stage was set, the VA Employment Commission had assisted with employees, The Tobacco Commission had assisted with incentives along with Governor’s Opportunity Fund and the VA Jobs Investment Program had supplied training money. In addition, Carroll County was providing several incentives for an excellent and aggressive package. On top of the incentive package, the product that would have been produced could not be taken off shore.
The business model change was that the company found a source of labor from Burma Refugees who were able to work a second shift at their present location without Green cards due to the fact they are Refugees. Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar) is bordered by China, Thiland and India.
The Carroll efforts will continue to seek economic development opportunities from every direction.