"Your place for all the latest announcements and Public Notices for Carroll County, Virginia Government"
Friday, August 14, 2009
ALL County Facilities Will Be Smoke Free
Effective July 1 - ALL County Facilities Will Be Smoke Free
Starting July 1, 2008, ALL county facilities will be smoke free during all hours of the week. This means that no smoking will be allowed inside ANY facility or building that is owned or maintained by the County of Carroll.
These facilities include the Carroll County Governmental Center, the Public Service Authority/County Maintenance/EMS building,Carroll-Grayson-Galax Solid Waste Authority, and others.
In order to promote a good healthy working environment among all county personnel and maintain professional service to county citizens, smoke free inside county facilities must be practiced, maintained and enforced at all times.
There will be, however, designated areas outside all county facilities that will be for any county personnel or visitors who wish to smoke.
This regulation has been officially made by the Carroll County Board of Supervisors.