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Friday, August 14, 2009
VACo 2009 Achievement Award Program Description Carroll County ~ Regional Collaboration "Economic Milestone"
The Blue Ride Crossroads region has been hit hard by major job losses during the past five years. However a new entrepreneurial approach to economic development has successfully filled much of the void by providing business counseling, assistance and enhancing growth for citizens in Carroll County.
Under the direction of Dr. Dallas Garrett, SBDC Director, and Bernie Deck, Carroll County's Business Development program has assisted with the creation of 428 new jobs through Entrepreneurial Business Development. The new capital investment of more than $17 million has given new hope and prosperity to the community. The program has been expanded to Grayson County and the City of Galax.
The program expects to assist an additional 200 individuals in starting their own business over the next two years. This program truly reflects the "entrepreneurial spirit" of Carroll County and the entire region. Carroll County is known as a leader in Entrepreneurial Business Development and was named by the 2004 Virginia General Assembly as part of the Entrepreneurial Region of Virginia.