Friday, September 11, 2009

Fancy Gap Water & Sewer Project Fact Sheet
September 11, 2009

The Carroll County Public Service Authority was awarded (by USDA-Rural Development) funding to complete the Fancy Gap Water & Sewer Improvements Project. The improvements will make public water and sewer service available to the I-77 Exit 8 interchange and to much of the Fancy Gap community. The water project will make public water service available to 190 +/- potential customers. The sewer project will make sewer service available to approximately 65 existing homes and businesses and generate approximately $9M in incremental commercial and residential investment from the development of approximately 100 acres of develop-able road frontage property in the project area. This investment is expected to generate approximately 72 new jobs and $262,000 in annual incremental revenue for the County.

Proposed water improvements include approximately 69,400 lf of 8” and smaller water lines, a 200,000 gallon water storage tank, groundwater supply wells, and related improvements. The total estimated water project cost is $3,689,000.

Proposed sewer improvements include approximately 26,800 lf of 8” gravity sewer, three (3) sewage pump stations, 44,800 lf of 6” and smaller force mains, and related improvements. The sewer project cost is$4,373,000.

The Total combined project cost: $8,062,000

CLICK HERE for the Fancy Gap Coverage Map (pdf)