Monday, May 21, 2012

Carroll County Public Library to Close for Renovations

Galax-Carroll Regional Library
610 W. Stuart Drive
Galax, VA 24333
276-236-2351 ex.204                                          For Immediate Release
Melanie Hemingway, Regional Director                    May 18, 2012


Carroll County Public Library will temporarily close its doors to the public starting May 28, 2012, for a period of at least three weeks and possibly through the month of June to allow some major renovations to be completed. After May 26, library materials on loan can be returned to the Galax Public Library. Items are currently being loaned until July, in case borrowers are unable to return them to Galax.

In September 2010, USDA Community Facilities Recovery Act Funds were awarded to 129 library projects in 30 states.  In Virginia, a total of three projects were chosen to be funded:
§  Dickenson County  -  $95,035
§  Bassett Public Library Association -  $50,000
§  Carroll County -  $200,000

The Carroll County Public Library was built in 1982, 30 years ago. The current facility shows many signs of deterioration. Renovations will include replacing the roof and windows, updating HVAC units, repainting the interior, installing new carpet, replacing some furniture and fixtures, remodeling the public restrooms, resurfacing the parking lot, landscape improvements, and technology upgrades. 
This USDA Rural Development project will improve the quality of life and library services for the citizens of Carroll County. Please celebrate with us as our Carroll County Public Library receives a face lift!